HR interim management for national champions

Tried and tested globally, proven locally.

Good reasons for HR - Interim Management

Vacancies due to temporary staff absences.

A common example of a plannable vacancy is parental leave. However, a sabbatical or the transition between hiring a new HR specialist can also be a reason for vacancies in the HR department, which our HR interim managers fill conscientiously.

Unforeseen staff shortages.

In contrast to plannable vacancies, unforeseen staff absences, e.g. lead to problems in the smooth running of HR tasks due to dismissal, illness or other reasons. Our interim managers skillfully absorb these imponderables for you.

External expertise on your current HR projects.

Our HR interim managers do not always have to fill bottlenecks. Our expertise is also frequently in demand on a project-related basis. If you need project-related support for your HR department and your HR staff, our HR interim managers are ready to help you.

HR interim management with a hands-on mentality

With expertise from national champions and global players such as Hilti, Vattenfall, Novartis and IKEA, our HR specialists bring best-practice processes directly to you – target-oriented and project-based.

Global RfP for an HCM system

"We explicitly requested support from PAROGO for guiding us through the selection process for an HCM system to be used globally by all employees. PAROGO consulted us in depth about the RfP process and managed the selection extremely professional. We will continue the working relationship."

We will be active for you in these areas.

Structure, Expansion & Reorganization

Whether in the course of fundamental personnel changes, through digitization strategies or other challenges. We accompany you through the structure construction and reconstruction.

Recruiting projects

As part of interim projects, we support companies in the area of recruiting, e.g. either in the form of temporary, operational support or as part of consulting projects, for example. for recruiting process analysis.

HR Outsourcing

In addition to our own specialized services for small and medium-sized companies in Germany, we support large companies in the selection of suitable service providers and also provide support during the subsequent transition.

Change management

The most common trigger for the need for professional change management is certainly the justification and implementation of new digitization strategies. But we are also happy to support you with general issues such as the adaptation of corporate strategies or extensive personnel restructuring.

Project & Program Management

Whether for a worldwide rollout, or smaller projects, our HR managers support you in the initiation, planning, monitoring and control of your projects.

HR - Administration

Those who not only want to free up resources in the HR area for value-adding tasks wherever possible, but also want to use them efficiently and cost-effectively will find optimal best-practice approaches with our experienced specialists.

Process design, implementation & optimization

Resistance to process change is always encountered for a variety of reasons. The hands on mentality of our HR managers ensures reliable implementation of the goals you set.

HR - Strategy

Do you need assistance with the strategic direction of managing your workforce? With a holistic approach and an eye for the essentials, we meet the requirements for successful HR.

HR - Software

We support you with the RfP, the subsequent transition and the associated measures for smooth change management.

What our customers say about us.

“We were looking for an outsourcing service provider for all HR admin functions at European level. PAROGO supported us in the selection process with their know-how and helped us not only to carry out the RfP, but also with the subsequent transition.”

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